Incorporating crystals into your interior design style

Crystals are becoming increasingly appreciated, not just for their healing powers, but for their natural beauty, stunning colours and interesting textures and shapes. Their popularity in modern interior design has meant that crystals are taking centre stage in our homes and work spaces. The best part? Their gorgeous healing and cleansing properties will enrich your space with beautiful energy regardless of whether they are simply decoration or not.
Unlike some interior styling trends, crystals don’t go out of fashion. This is because of their natural shape, colours and energy. As timeless products given to us from Mother Earth, we are drawn to and love them instinctively.
How to choose the perfect crystal for your space
‘The crystal chooses you.’
Often when our customers are searching for a crystal, but aren’t sure which one to choose, I will ask them which piece they are drawn to. Not from their head, but from their heart centre. It is the same with matching the crystal to your style. A clear quartz cluster will blend beautifully with a palette of natural hues, while the deep purples of an oversized amethyst stand might provide an interesting ‘hero’ to your room. Have your size and space in mind, but let your heart choose the crystal which will best fit.
How do I display my crystals?
Incorporating crystals into your home or office creates a beautiful decorative focal point through their sparkling, shining and reflecting light. The stones also help to soften certain mediums, bringing in a more natural and textured look especially when paired with whites, woods and metals. As a general rule, placing your crystal where it can reflect light will help enhance its visual appeal. On a coffee table, key display surface or alone on an open space will help draw the eye (and energy) to its natural beauty.
Small pieces
Invest in a shallow bowl or platter. It could be hand-thrown pottery, a natural wooden bowl or perhaps a rattan or mirrored art deco serving tray. Shiny Storm also has a variety of crystal bowls in store. In this bowl or platter, place a variety of smaller, hand-picked crystals. Use a mixture of textures (tumbles, free forms or clusters) and colours, and even bring in other natural mediums such as shells, flowers, feathers and palo santo for an energetic and eye-catching display.
Small crystals also look beautiful lined up on a window sill. Here, they can catch the light to shine and sparkle with true beauty, whilst lending a grounded and earthy feel to the room.
Alternatively, the Shiny Storm Chakra Kits come in a beautiful box, ready for presentation in a clear and open space.
Large pieces
Big stands of Amethyst, slabs of Aventurine or Citrine clusters are the Earth’s works of art, and as such work well in large light filled and neutrally coloured spaces. Display on a shelf of its own, or in a curated exhibition of two other special pieces like hard cover books, a vase of flowers, terrarium, candles, or smooth silver pieces.
Either way, your large crystal should be displayed with space around it. Visitors to your home or office will be drawn to it, just like they would a painting by a great artist.
Don’t be afraid to bring crystals into your space: their beauty will always be in style.