Nurture ✧ Release ✧ Motivate


The beautiful pink and white colours along with blooms of flower like patterns make Flower Agate a stunning addition to any crystal collection.

As an added benefit, this stone’s powerful connection to the feminine emits a nurturing and comforting energy. Acting through the heart and root chakras, Flower Agate helps connect our emotional selves to our current reality. When this is done, we have the freedom to release from emotional pain and past trauma, emerging into greater ease and allowing love to once again fill our inner selves. In this, Flower Agate is a powerful stone to use in your spiritual and emotional journey toward greater love of self.

Flower Agate helps us heal past hurts, accept ourselves and move forward into a place of light and love.

This stone will allow you to leave behind your limitations, balance your energy, reach your highest potential and nurture your dreams into reality. Put simply, Flower Agate ignites your passion and zest for life, leaving behind any pain which has held you in a place of stagnation.

Origin: Madagascar
Colours: Pink and white


Works with: Selenite, Quartz.
Helps with: Self-love, healing, comfort, emotional support, grounding, growth, inner peace, balance, self-discovery, nurturing, relaxing, manifesting realities, love, passion, motivation, inspiration.
Usage tip: Place Flower Agate directly over your heart during meditation to release emotional pain and assist in healing.Carry a piece of Flower Agate with you to remind you of your purpose.