Stainless Steel Choker & Emerald


Material: Stainless Steel Silver

A stainless steel is a great choice for a waterproof accessory since it is highly resistant to rust and corrosion. All details are carefully thought and made with only hight quality crystals. Ana & Felipe choose them one by one. ♡

Stone: Emerald

Love ✧ Healing ✧ Growth

Directly empowering and enlivening our Heart chakra with free-flowing energy makes Emerald excellent in the aid of emotional healing.

Its soothing energy restores confidence and provides healing to all through its unconditional love. Emerald helps to overcome heartbreak, when the needs of the heart are not being met or improve your ability to express love. Life simply becomes more joyous with Emerald in your pocket! 

As a stone of the heart, Emerald will also help with inspiration and patience in your life and embodies harmony, kindness and love. 

This makes it a good stone for communication, friendship and cooperation, especially in the family and your greater community. It also promotes balance, and helps us bounce back from sudden change and drama in our lives. Emerald inspires us to live our lives with joy and compassion!

Origin: Africa, Australia, Brazil, Columbia, Egypt and Russia.
Colours: Green.
Helps with: Balance, self-healing, manifestation, cooperation, compassion, confidence, growth, hope, wisdom, love, passion, truth, justice, healing, trust, joy, transformation.
Usage tip:  Place Emerald in the eastern part of your room or home to enhance the flow of your Chi, or Universal Life Force. Wear Emerald jewellery to enhance your patience throughout the day. Meditation with Emerald will help you connect with your inner self, manifest your desires and bring love into your life.

Note: All pictures have been taken on the sun light. Expect this beautiful crystal to be even prettier in person ♡