Obsidian Choker


Weight: 0.0 kg
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Stainless Steel Choker & Obsidian


Material: Stainless Steel Gold

A stainless steel is a great choice for a waterproof accessory since it is highly resistant to rust and corrosion. All details are carefully thought and made with only hight quality crystals. Ana & Felipe choose them one by one. ♡

Stone: Obsidian

Protection ✧ Grounding ✧ Clearing

Obsidian is a root chakra stone that can help to ground and protect the user.

Usually black in colour, Obsidian is actually volcanic glass that is squeezed out as the lava cools. Coming violently from the Earth, it is believed this stone is very powerful in bringing hidden emotions to the surface. This makes Obsidian an excellent energetic clearer, cleaning up the auric field as well as blockages within your energetic flow.

Obsidian is also very good at clearing negative energies within the user and the environment surrounding them.

Origin: All over the world.
Energy: Amplifies.
Colours: Black, black with white
Works with: Clear Quartz, Selenite.
Helps with: Grounding, clearing energetic blocks, releasing anger, cleansing aura, protection against negativity.
Usage tip: Keep Obsidian by your bed to help release blockages from past experiences. Meditate with Obsidian to gain greater insight into your true self. 

Note: All pictures have been taken on the sun light. Expect this beautiful crystal to be even prettier in person ♡