Stainless Steel Choker & Rose Quartz


Material: Stainless Steel Gold

A stainless steel is a great choice for a waterproof accessory since it is highly resistant to rust and corrosion. All details are carefully thought and made with only hight quality crystals. Ana & Felipe choose them one by one. ♡

Stone: Rose Quartz

Love ✧ Calm ✧ Healing

This gorgeous stone opens the channels to unconditional love, kindness and compassion: everyone wants more love in their lives!

I absolutely adore Rose Quartz and it is one of Shiny Storm’s most popular crystals. Despite the heart chakra being green in colour, rose quartz, with its pink hues, also holds a deep association with this chakra. Unsurprisingly, it also helps with forgiveness and emotional healing.

This is a beautiful crystal for self-healing, especially with love-based emotional upsets such relationship breakdowns, betrayal, or the loss of a loved one. 

Rose Quartz is a hardworking yet nurturing and gentle crystal which restores a sense of calm and peacefulness to your life, helping you feel connection to others and empower your sense of joy and self-love. For those feeling emotionally depleted or with poor self-image, Rose Quartz will help you to realise and appreciate the amazing worth you bring to the world!

Origin: Brazil, India, Japan, USA.
Energy: Amplifies.
Colour: Pink.
Works with: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Prasiolite, Peridot.
Helps with: Love, nourishment, self-love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, emotional healing, joy, peace, playfulness.
Usage tip: Place Rose Quartz around your home to promote love, balance and positive relationships. Carry Rose Quartz with you after emotional upheaval with a loved one to help initiate healing. Rub Rose Quartz on your forehead at night for a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Note: All pictures have been taken on the sun light. Expect this beautiful crystal to be even prettier in person ♡