Beginners Guide to Crystals
Beginners Guide to Crystals
Getting started with Crystals can be very overwhelming, it can be hard to know where to start or what’s going on. So, we wanted to step you through some information we think is important for beginners.
Crystals, like everything, resonate at frequencies. It is a common belief through spiritual practitioners that this frequency and its interaction with the user’s frequency, energy/auric field is what gives them their properties. This is why we always recommend seeing which crystal you are drawn to. The one that will benefit you the most will pull you in.
Crystals hold energy! This can be used for many things. Intention is the most important part of a crystal's journey, so if you wish for something specific to happen, it is good to tell your crystal. If you do not put intention into the crystal it won't know what to do, and will simply continue being itself. Pushing out its energy into all of its properties rather than just the one you have told it to operate at.
Connecting with them is a beautiful part of having crystals. Meditating with your stone or talking to them are easy ways to become more in tune with what the crystal can help you achieve!
Colour correspondence is a good place to start to ease into crystal meanings. Rather than trying to remember hundreds of crystal definitions when it’s still new to you. Learning colours and then expanding into specific crystals can make it easier. Colours have meaning in Spirituality and correspond to chakras, so the knowledge of colour correspondence will always be useful.
Some beginner crystals we recommend are; Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Black Tourmaline, Orange Calcite, Red Jasper and Carnelian.
They are crystals that are not too intense, and cover the bases of intentions, Chakras and energies. Meaning that through mediations or times of rest, you can hold each crystal and work with how the energies affect you.